New Hampshire already has a strong reputation as a great place to hunt, fish and participate in outdoor activities. However, more research shows those number are on the rise as New Hampshire residents are participating more in fieldsmen activities. The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service recently conducted a survey and saw an almost 20% increase in the number of New Hampshire residents involved in hunting and fishing since they last took the same survey five years ago.
The New Hampshire Union Leader wrote a story on the increase and posted it on their website. “The service’s recently released National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Associated Recreation estimated that 168,000 New Hampshire residents 16 years or older could be classified as sportspersons, meaning they actively hunt or fish in this state or elsewhere, based on data collected in 2011.”

It’s nice to see an increase among residents. For our store it’s an opportunity to bring more equipment and better products to those who already enjoy, or learning a new appreciation for the sport. “Many people may not fully comprehend how important hunting and fishing are to the fabric of this country. Yet nationally there are more people who hunt or fish than go bowling, and their spending would land them at number 24 on the Fortune 500 list,” said Jeff Crane, president of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, a national lobbying group. “Sportsmen and women spent $271 million on hunting and fishing in New Hampshire in 2011 – more than the receipts for all agricultural commodities in the state that year.”
You can find plenty of fishing equipment, hunting gear and other outdoor materials if you’re one of the residents just starting to hunt or fish. For the experienced outdoorsmen, we have all the equipment you love and need to replace old or used with something more modern and efficient.
**Don’t forget to come by the store for our open house this Saturday with store wide sale and factory reps attending. It’s a great opportunity to find a new bow, gun or other piece of equipment and ask any questions you may have.
You can read more of the article here.