Local fisherman Jamie Hayward had this to say about the New Hampshire groundfish industry:
“We are not going to bring it back unless we change some of what we do.”

Fisheries, and in particular the New Hampshire Fisheries, can always be improved upon. It is an issue that should always be addressed sooner rather than later. New Hampshire anglers have had their fair share of struggles, as they battle a new fisheries management system, which has led to a reduction of cod, among other species. This has not only reduced fish, it has also caused hardworking NH fishermen their jobs, none of which is good for area economies. In order to thwart this unsettling trend, The New Hampshire Fisheries Sectors teamed up with The Nature Conservancy.

The Nature Conservancy’s mission is a simple one: to address the most pressing conservation threats at the largest scale, protecting ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people by teaming up with other organizations, including governments and businesses. They are a positive force, having a presence in all 50 states as well as 35 countries. The group is actively invested in New Hampshire, which is great news, as the partnership will benefit local anglers by improving fisheries and hopefully bringing back some jobs.

The solution to the NH fisheries problem has already been set in motion with the purchase of two groundfish permits, which allows for a more collaborative relationship between the Conservancy and local fishermen. Together, they work toward developing better gear and sustainable fishing practices, all while brainstorming other ideas that will help the local fishing economy.

While the fishery situation may seem bleak, there are some smart people working on innovative solutions. There is cause for optimism. As always, Morse Sporting Goods is here for all of your hunting and fishing supplies needs. If you are in the Hillsboro area, pay us a visit!


*Image courtesy of radiantskies